Sunday 28 July 2024

Today’s service is at 11am and will be led by our Minister Rev Fiona Maxwell.

All are welcome to come and enjoy friendship and fellowship in the hall over tea/coffee after morning worship.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Todays service is at 11am and will be led by Rev Fiona Maxwell.

Tea/coffee in the church hall at the end of worship, all welcome.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Todays service is at 11am and will be led by Rev Fiona Maxwell with guest preacher John MacMillan

All are welcome for tea/coffee at the end of worship.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Todays service will be led by Rev Bill Jackson at 11am

There will be tea/coffee in the hall after worship.


Sunday 23 June 2024

Todays Service is at 11am and led by Rev Fiona Maxwell

The service will be a finale for the Young Church as they start their well earned summer break.

The Guild will present the Young Church with their new Bibles and we will enjoy seeing the children take part in todays service.

Join us downstairs in the hall for Sundae Sunday after worship.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Todays service is at 11am and will be led by Rev Fiona Maxwell, this service will include the Stated Annual Meeting.

There will be tea/coffee in the hall after worship.

The children will meet in the hall to enjoy their own activities

Sunday 9 June 2024

Todays service is at 11am and led by Rev Fiona Maxwell

Tea/coffee will be served in the hall after worship and all are welcome.

Young Church will enjoy activities in the hall during worship.

Sunday 2 June 2024

This Sunday we meet at 11am when we will share in Holy Communion and this will be led by Rev Fiona Maxwell.

Young Church will meet in the hall for their own activities.

Tea/coffee will be served after the service and all are welcome.