
Our three walking groups have continued their activities over recent months.

The Wednesday Walkers meet each Wednesday at 10am at The Burns Centre car park in Kay Park. This is an informal group who take a leisurely stroll around the park perimeter before retiring to enjoy coffee and chat at The Church Café.

In recent months our Strollers have enjoyed walks along Prestwick shorefront; through the estate and gardens at Dumfries House and, most recently, at Galston, through Burnawn Woods and along the riverside path back to Galston. These walks are generally around 1 hour in duration and all conclude with tea / coffee and filled rolls or scones etc.

Our next Strollers’ outing will be on 8th  June.

The first Striders’ walk for this edition was from Troon along the shorefront to Barassie then back to Marr College via the cycle path. This was the walk planned for the previous month which was abandoned due to Storm Isha. We next walked from Newmilns through Lanfine Estate to Darvel and back with a walk around the paths within Eglinton Estate, Kilwinning our most recent venture. These walks are generally between 1hour 45 minutes and 2 hours 15 minutes. As with the Strollers, all walks conclude with refreshments.

Our next Striders’ outing will be on 22nd June.

Dates for our walks for the remainder of the year are :

Strollers – 8th June, 1 st July, 6th August, 4th September, 10th October and 8th November.

Striders – 22nd June, 22nd July, 20th August, 18th September, 24th October and 22nd November.

Note : there will be one joint walk in December which will be on the 7th

Newcomers (and returning walkers) are always welcome.   See weekly intimations or phone David Miller on 07977050624 for details.

David Miller